Apr 2Liked by Victoria K. Walker

Victoria - thanks for this interesting biography. I am fascinated to discover artists I did not previously know. I really enjoy his style, especially the flowers but also his portraits. Quite an interesting life.

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Thank you for reading and commenting, Matthew. Yes, he was an interesting character and I look forward to focusing on certain aspects of his life and work in a future biography.

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Apr 2Liked by Victoria K. Walker

Fantastic stuff! He's a sort of proto Edward Burra - I am thinking in particular of the 'Cafe de la Rotonde painting.

I have to admit, I had never heard of him. Now I have. Thank you.

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Yes, I see what you mean, Titus. Thank you for reading, and I'm so pleased to have introduced you both! :)

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Apr 2Liked by Victoria K. Walker

What a beautiful article to read just as the trees are blooming in middle Tennessee. I loved the Mottled Iris painting.

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Thank you, Lauren. I'm so pleased that you enjoyed it. I thought he was an ideal choice for the season here in the UK too :)

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It's nice to learn about an artist who had a long, incredibly productive career and a lifelong romance, one not so easy to pull off in his times.

The variety of his styles and subjects is a testament to the longevity of his career and his wanderlust for new places.

My favorite painting was The Mottled Iris. Very sensual (at least that was my Rorschach reading of it!)

Thanks for the introduction to Cedric Morris.

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Hey man, yes I agree re the sensual irises.

And, also yes re the romance and embrace of his queer life.

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Thank you for reading, David. And for such a thoughtful comment. Yes, his style certainly changed over time. I particularly love his Brook Street piece. I plan to write a little more about his travels in a future biography. And likely focus on other areas of his interesting life too. Thank you again! :)

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What a long, productive and varied life.

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Absolutely, Jennifer. And I look forward to focusing on certain areas of his life in another biography at some point. Thank you for reading! Best wishes, Victoria

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Hey, when you mentioned recently you were doing a piece on him, I was pleased. I think you bring together the different elements of his life and work in a really cool way. I love the Brook Street picture, but, like David Roberts, below it’s the mottled irises that seize my imagination for their sexy beauty, and the way they radiate his love of gardening.

I’ve got some notebook material on him…this has prompted me to look it out.

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Thank you, Nicolas. I'm so happy you enjoyed it, and that it's prompted you to read further. Yes, you can see the love and passion in the Iris painting. Thank you for commenting! :)

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Apr 15Liked by Victoria K. Walker

An artist I admit I knew little of! Some lovely work of his to admire, and an interesting life!

Thank you 🙂

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Thank you, Dorinda 🌼

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Apr 12Liked by Victoria K. Walker

amazing biography! i really love his style too! looking more into Cedric myself now - thanks for sharing!

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Thank you. I’m so pleased you enjoyed it. Happy researching :)

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Apr 7Liked by Victoria K. Walker

I loved reading this. It seems as if they had a beautiful relationship. I actually haven't seen much about Cedric so this was extremely interesting. I'm very surprised that I haven't seen more written on him. If he knew Peggy Guggenheim, that's a name tied to Jackson Pollock. Although, that would be a completely different style of art. Also, Jackson was in high school at the time but still! Isn't it interesting that so much is written about Jackson Pollock and so little about Cedric Lockwood? Yet, Cedrics style of painting is one that society seems to like/understand more. It's very interesting to me. Anyway, I absolutely LOVE reading about artists. Thank you!

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Thank you, Angela. I’m so happy you enjoyed it. And, you’re right, he isn’t as well known as he deserves. Though, certainly popular in the horticultural field. Thank you for reading and commenting. I hope you’re having a lovely weekend!

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Apr 4Liked by Victoria K. Walker

Thanks. This is so interesting.

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Thank you, Christine! :)

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Apr 4Liked by Victoria K. Walker

Thanks, Victoria! Very interesting life and work and love the paintings.

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Thank you for reading, Caro! :)

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I’m new to your newsletter and so happy to have found it. I could look at the iris and tulips painting for hours - the lighting is beautiful!

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Thank you, Renee. And for your subscription! :)

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Apr 3Liked by Victoria K. Walker

A fascinating discovery, thank you. What a varied life.

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Thank you for reading, Linda. Best wishes, Victoria

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I'd never heard of him, but there is some lovely stuff here and so many different styles. The View from Brook Street is lovely, but the Welsh watercolour is perhaps my favourite.

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Yes, his style certainly changed over time. I love the Brook Street piece as well. Thanks for reading, Sarah. And I hope you had a lovely Easter weekend!

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Apr 2Liked by Victoria K. Walker

Thanks for another lovely article introducing an artist I'd never heard of, but now want to learn more about. I'm not one for still life paintings but the ones you've shown are incredible!

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Thank you for reading and commenting, I'm so pleased you enjoyed it! :)

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Thank you for this extensive article x

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Thank you, and you're very welcome. I'm so pleased you enjoyed it! x

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