I love her work I have just finished reading 'Is She a Lady?' She was often drinking in the Fitzroy Tavern some interesting descriptions of London life.

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It is a fascinating read. Thank you for commenting, Richard ✨

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I love Nina Hamnett's work - thank you for this great account of her fascinating life. There are a few of her drawings at Charleston which convey so much meaning about the people she's chosen to portray. She's definitely one of my favourites in the group.

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Thank you for reading, Jennifer. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

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Thank you for introducing me to NH Victoria, what an arresting portrait of Rupert Doone to be savoured.

What a thought provoking comment on the difference between “artists” and writers and their work.

And who wouldn’t want to be described as being “ the sort of people our parents warned us about?!

It’s a shame she had a difficult end of her life and what sounds like an excruciating death.

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Thank you for reading, Annie. I’m so pleased you enjoyed it. Hamnett was an incredible character who certainly deserved her nickname 🤎✨

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What a fascinating woman! I must admit to not knowing of her before reading this article. Her work is stunning and I will seek out more of her work.

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I’m so pleased to introduce you to a new artist, Franca. Happy hunting! 🩶

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A fascinating character/artist!

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Thank you for reading, Dorinda! ✨

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Live Modigliani and knew nothing of this wonderful artist. What an incredible (and at times quite tragic) life. Thank you, Victoria 💙

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Thank you for reading, Kate 🤎

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Lovely to read. I’ve been intrigued by NH since I came across her in an Omega Workshope exhibition in London a long time ago now. She still fascinâtes me. I have one of her drawings - a beautiful work.

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Wow to own one of her drawings!

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Thank you, Rosie. And how wonderful to own one of her drawings 💙

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Thank you Victoria. I was also not aware of Nina. She sounds fascinating, having been part of both the London and Parisian avant-garde at such an exciting time. I will certainly be investigating her further.

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Thank you for reading, Jane. Such an interesting woman… happy researching 🤎

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I love this bio, Victoria, and I knew nothing about Nina! What a fascinating life and tragic end. I shall look out for more of her paintings. That you for a wonderful introduction, as always!

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Thank you, Kate. Yes, she was and still is such a fascinating woman.

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Thanks, that was amazing.

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Thank you, Cassandra 🩵

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You’ve opened my world to another amazing artist. Thank you

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You’re very welcome, Susan 🤎

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