I've been thinking about Yeats a lot lately and he keeps being mentioned in various places. I feel like we need his voice right now to help us navigate through this turbulent time.

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Thank you for reading and commenting, Wendi ✨

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Some years back, I was in Sligo and I called to see his grave. It's quite straightforward in structure; just a plain headstone, and somehow, I'd expected it to be more, because he is and always has been more.

I'm trying to think of a comparison to his influence here in Ireland? A Cerberus maybe? We're all still stood fast, in any case.

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“I'd expected it to be more, because he is and always has been more.” What a beautiful sentiment! ✨

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It's may be only where my own head was at the time (deep feelings felt oh so deeply, and all that 😂) but, when younger, I was obsessed with 'Aedh wishes for the cloths of heaven'; even the very sound of what he was saying... "of night and light and the half light". Anyway, stars are in the sky and it's good for us to keep looking upwards.

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Having always loved Yeats my friend and I (both from New Zealand) hitched many years ago through Ireland to Sligo..to see..’horseman pass by’we were so happy and drank cheap wine under a hedge in the rain!

We also went up the river on a little boat to the lake isle of Innisfree.. and inland to find his tower..

..but I.. being poor,have only my dreams..

Thank you for memories Victoria!


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Thank you for sharing your memories, Ursula 🩶✨

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So very lovely. He was a grand poet.

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I’m glad you enjoyed it, Suzanne. Thank you for reading 💛✨

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I own the compete works and even read Celtic Twilight by Yeats to my daughter when she was only six years old.

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Ah, that’s lovely! Thank you for sharing your memory ✨

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As always with Yeats I was drawn in to a wonderful world. Important with him to let the words wash over you.

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Wonderfully put. Thank you for reading, David ✨

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It’s a long while since I flirted with reading his works… it’s high time I rediscovered his hauntingly beautiful words, poetry… et al!

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Ah do… it was lovely reading back through his work in order to choose one for the post! 🤎✨

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