Loved the number of women. Great collection - thank you.

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Thank you, Sophy. I may do a women only collection soon :)

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The texture in alot of these works is outstanding. I have created a few self-portraits myself but that's because of reading the quote "I paint self-portraits because I am the person I know best. I paint my own reality. The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to and I paint whatever passes through my head without any consideration." ~Frida Kahlo Anyway, wonderful works. You have a great eye!

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Thank you, Angela. I’m so pleased you enjoyed the collection. I so envy artists. I’ve dabbled, but sadly have no talent for it at all.

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Ya know… many artists tend to really hate their own work. Everyone has talent though. 💜🙏💜

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Thank you, Angela 💛💛

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Frida Kahlo! I just recently did some research on her. Very interesting figure, very depressed (with good reason) and very brilliant. Moody is perhaps the word.

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In what way do you think she was moody? I believe she had courage that females in the world need. Many males simply aren’t used to females having the ability to express themselves in such ways. Many tend to call any female who speaks their mind and is not afraid of female power “moody”. If her behaviour is considered “moody” because she cut her hair after Diego’s inappropriate behaviour, I don’t understand that because alot of females cut their hair due to situations in their lives. Plus, in MY point of view that was Diego’s fault. He was the sick cheating jerk who personally I would not have put up with. That behaviour is belittling to the men who are just the opposite. He was nothing but cruel. Really very few, if anyone could understand the pain Frida had to deal with beyond her relationship with Diego nor could they possibly fully comprehend her unique way of expressing it. I honestly believe that it’s much better to pick up a paint brush to deal with pain than anything else. Sadly some in todays world lack the ability to understand that. I suppose I was born in the wrong time as I would much rather have a paint brush. I’ve got to agree, she was a very interesting person. As am I. If Frida were alive today, I have no doubt that we would be have been very good friends. If she was moody my friend…so am I.

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I don’t think moody is an insult, and I think she handled her depression through painting, yes, a good coping mechanism; one of the best. At the same time, labeling Diego Rivera as the sole contributor is wrong. You could also blame the bus, certainly. Kahlo also cheated plenty of times, though who cheated first I do not know. In any case, to your question of why do I say she was moody? Look at her paintings; they’re full of feeling, they’re full of mood. Yeah, she had a courage, but she also had an inability to drop some of the greatest inhibitors in her life; just like anybody, she had talents and flaws. Rivera too. I think they were simply too similar to be happy together and too similar to stay apart. Would you have been friends? I don’t know you, but she was a pretty intense communist and her own father called her a devil… but who knows? Like I said earlier, everyone has talents and flaws.

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Haha!!! You are certainly right when you say that you don't know me. I did not get in a car accident and am certainly not well known but I've made many works like Fridas. I just post them around Halloween and don't always note the fact that they are based on life. Mainly because I don't want to be known for my health but for art. I don't hide it though...here's a video about me from years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZptPQEgdiM Although I try my best not to have that much to do with Politics, I know that some judge what they don't understand. They always have and most likely always will. In many cases, people didn't understand Frida and they don't understand me. Just as people judge what they don't understand; they fear what they don't understand. I leave that video up and it's my main explanation because I figure that I don't have to explain myself to anyone. Still I tend to think that Frida was stronger than I am because she didn't let anything tear her down. I'm pretty strong but I'm not as strong as she was. I'm pretty sure that Diego cheated first because it did not seem as if he was as in love with Frida as she was with him. He was in love with sex more but he did grow to love her to a degree. I'm bi just as Frida was and just because you're bi does not mean that you are a sex fanatic. Example: I would much rather be with one person and one person only. I like to think that Frida was like that too for awhile but I suppose I may be wrong. Who really knows?!? I certainly don't. I don't think anyone does. I've studied Frida for years because I can relate to her but I'm sure that there are those who know more. I didn't get the feeling that she truly wanted anyone other than Diego but got used to being with others after awhile because that was her reaction to Diego constantly cheating on her. That and drinking were also ways she probably used to cope with her pain. A form of self medication if you will. Plus, Diego was fine with her having a female relationship but HUGELY JEALOUS if it was a relationship with a guy. He did not consider the female relationships cheating and I'm sure Frida didn't either. If it was a mutual understanding I personally don't see some of their relationships as cheating. I do consider them cheating if it was unknown or hidden though but again I truly believe that Diego started all of that. Watch the 2002 movie Frida. If you haven't already that is. I never said Diego was the ONLY reason for Frida's pain. I DID say that he was the main one and history proves that to be correct. She absolutely loved Diego and he was a rude, selfish, jerk who was unworthy of her love. It's just easier to blame it all on her health. That (no offense intended) is rather idiotic. At least that is the way I see it. Alot of artists who created nudes were rude and selfish. ALOT of artists who created nude had multiple sexual relationships, etc. Examples: Jackson Pollock,

Pablo Picasso to name a couple. All you have to do is study art history to know that one. I do not think she would have created the painting titled Diego and I in 1949 if she did not constantly think about him. That was the whole meaning of his being on her forehead. He was constantly on her mind. I created a self-portrait inspired by that one, only I put a heart on my head to represent the world and everyone I care about on my mind. I am not 100% like Frida but I envy her strength and ability to get through as much as she did. Anyone in her situation or mine would be moody sometimes as a way to cope with such pain. Many females who speak up ARE considered "Moody" by society. Society wanted females to settle down, get married, have kids and speak only when spoken to in that time and some still do. THAT needs to continue to change because it's ridiculous and anything but giving everyone equal rights. Shoot! Women didn't have the right to vote until June 4, 1919 so Frida grew up with her mother not having the right to vote. Imagine your growing up watching your mother not having certain rights. Would that have bothered you? Women were not even able to get a credit card until 1974! Due to that she didn't live to see women have to freedom to use a credit card! I think that what she stood up for was a blessing to this world that we needed. Even if I myself am not granted all of the freedoms others have, I thank those who helped to create them because I would not have the option of gaining that freedom one day if it were not for them. Everyone's different so really even those in pain, etc. can simply guess at how another would react. It's idiotic NOT to speak up, when you know to stay silent creates more issues for people in situations like mine. Although it's understandable to an extent too because it takes courage to speak up. Courage that everyone doesn't have. Frida was anything but idiotic and also was certainly not the devil. Frida was hugely inspirational because she was someone with loads of courage! This was also years ago and realistically, I can't help wondering how woman were treated at that time. I know that they did not have certain rights but I bet they were belittled, etc. even more then they are in some locations today. I wonder how that may have influenced her fathers words. Parents thought that kids listening to Beatles music years ago was listening to the Devils music because all music was evil to some. Just as some parents thought that Harry Potter books were evil. It's never ending because fear doesn't die completely. What will be evil in the eyes of some parents next year? I certainly wish that fear would die though and judgement would go right along with it. This world has enough fear, violence and hate in it. What we need is love, peace, compassion and understanding. At that time, I wonder what her parents thought was evil and just how realistic those thoughts were. In the movie Frida, she and her father were very kind to each other. There is a possibility that some things the public may have said are untrue. Those who actually knew her are the only ones who may know a bit more and I believe that the last person who knew her and was in the movie Frida passed.

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I'm not trying to be rude, I promise, but I don't understand how 90% of that pertains to my statement.

To be clear, I was making just a couple primary points:

1) I wasn't meaning to say it was just Diego who contributed to her depression. I think it was Diego to a large extent, but I also think it was the accident, Alejandro abandoning her (just like Diego and I, she painted a portrait of Alejandro after she broke up with him in 1928), and the affairs as well as drinking (if she did that) as an unhealthy coping mechanism. Bad coping mechanisms will deepen depression like no other.

2) Moody isn't an insult, it's a fact. People have moods, and some are more prone to them than others. Having emotions isn't weakness.

As far as your statements about fear and lack of understanding, I agree, mostly. There are a few groups: we have those who understand the issue and agree with it, those who do not understand the issue and fear it, those who do not understand the issue and agree with it, and lastly, the group you neglected to name, those who understand the issue and disagree with it. The last group does not FEAR the issue, they simply dissent.

This is why I, with many others, have an issue with the structure of the word homophobia; it's subliminally belittling to those who oppose the LGBTQ+ agenda. I'm not here to support or oppose that movement, but I do not like the words homophobia or transphobia because they are etymologically misleading. People can understand an issue and still disagree with it without fearing it.

As far as judging what we don't understand, specifically in reference to her communist tendencies, I was not judging her. Abundantly, I made clear that she had strengths and weaknesses, flaws and talents, like anyone else. I understand the social and economic extrapolations of communism, socialism, fascism, and far left/right political ideas as well as (and better than) many people. I also understand why they are so convincing. I am not judging Frida for her beliefs.

I hope this aptly addresses your comments and also makes sense to you!

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It makes some sense and moody may not be an insult to you but that would be because you're a GUY. Being a guy you haven't had to deal with as much discrimination, etc. as females. If a word bothers me that's fine and I'll get over it but I can promise you...I can PROMISE you that word has been used many times to belittle and harm people in making them out to seem STUPID! You want to know who I am...if you haven't watched that video...look at the photos I posted. THAT is who I am and THAT is what I stand for and if that's moody that is just to freakin' bad!

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I love the breadth and depth of this for sure. Some brilliant pieces in it.

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Thank you, Jon 🤎

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Absolutely loved looking at all of these portraits. I was very drawn to a few of them and immediately wanted to know so much more about them. Their eyes, expression, posture , color palette just start the story. Thank you for all your research and wonderful articles 🙂

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Thank you, Laura. Yes, there is so much to discover from a self portrait. I’m so pleased you enjoyed the post 🤎

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Fascinating range of strong personalities showing through, some sensual, some haunting, some even sinister...

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I love an artist’s self portrait, and will have to post another collection soon. Thanks for commenting, Paul.

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Fascinating… clearly my understanding of the Bloomsbury group has been limited according to fame.

I must admit I prefer the NPG Laura Knight self-portrait if just for its confrontational feel - a real ‘up-yours’ to the Royal Academy etc- https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/portrait/mw03686/Laura-Knight-with-model-Ella-Louise-Naper-Self-Portrait

Similarly I’d probably pick the nude Stanley Spencer self-portrait with Patricia as it gives more of an insight to his horribly complicated life


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Thank you for your comment, David. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. The collection/site is not just of the Bloomsbury Group but also their contemporaries. There will also be a series of self-portrait collections, so the ones you have suggested will be featured at some point. 'Laura Knight with model, Ella Louise Naper' has also been featured in previous posts, including the biography I wrote of her at https://beyondbloomsbury.substack.com/p/laura-knight-a-singular-vision. Thank you for reading/viewing. Best wishes, Victoria

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Just found you. Thank you so much for being and sharing here.

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Thank you so much, Lola. What a lovely thing to say. And welcome 🧡

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Please can I have that picture of Dod Proctor? It's fabulous.

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That would be lovely, wouldn’t it… 🤎

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Thank you, Dorinda 🧡

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"Yes, Dora, they do."

Marvelous gallery. Thank you.

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Thank you, Maud. I’m so pleased you enjoyed it 🤎

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Super, thank you.

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Thank you, Maureen 💛

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Wonderful, as always. Will restock.

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Thank you, Mary 💛

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Nora Heysen's looks like a Vermeer

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It does 🩶 Thank you for commenting.

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